Closing Cycles.... Bringing The New
We are so busy living life as we know it that we forget to take care of the real important things. That has been my reality for as long as I can remember. Sometimes life has a way to show you to take care of the real priorities.
2019 was a great year. I was busy working, planning a trip and starting new projects. There was little space in my life for worry. That year, for the first time I skipped my annual health checkup. Why bother? After all, I was feeling fantastic and I had my dream travel ahead of me.
Then 2020 happened. I started the year with great enthusiasm and anticipation. Amorivivi came to be with the first day of the year and that gave my life an added purpose. A little time after, the world knew about the terrible virus COVID-19 and how it became a pandemic. Our lives have changed dramatically having to stay home and to isolate from the world and life as we knew it.
During this period of isolation, I decided to get up to date with my health. I was experiencing sinus issues due to all the time I was spending indoors with air conditioning. I went to my doctor for my checkup and all the associated examinations recommended. As part of the checkup, I had to do a mammogram.
I had breast implants surgery more than 18 years ago and were never replaced during that time. The mammogram showed no signs of malignancy! Those were great news. However it showed signs of possible rupture in one implant. I was then referred for an ultrasound that confirmed rupture in both implants. I was immediately referred to a surgeon where important decisions had to be made.
I opted for the option of non attachment and freedom. I decided to close a cycle of my life that does not define me anymore. As I write this, I am recovering from surgery. I had my implants removed for good without any replacement. During surgery they found that the rupture was big and there was a lot of cleanup to do. This proved that the decision of not replacing them was the best. I was saved by that original mammogram examination!
As humans we become attached to things and the way we look or perceive ourselves. This experience has been a huge lesson for me to let go of things that were not doing good for me. I am not my breasts is what I keep repeating myself as I look myself in the mirror. I am alive and happy to be around family. My network of friends have been holding place for me from the distance. I am so fortunate! In the process of letting go, I am starting to experience freedom and peace.
Note: I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone to take health seriously. Live a healthy lifestyle. See your doctor once a year. For all my fellow women, please do that mammogram once a year. It can save your life.