Cleansing My Soul
Today, for the first time after almost 90 days of lock-down for the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to go to the beach. As you may know, I live in Miami Beach and only a short walk to the ocean. During the quarantine period all the beaches were closed to the public, but I made a point to observe the beauty of the ocean from my balcony and derive hope from it. The ocean looked calmed, serene and untouched by everything that was happening in the world and I somehow wanted some of those same feelings within me.
As I sit now in front of the ocean, I look in awe at the grandiosity of it all. As I look at the endless horizon and the expansion of moving water, I can only ponder the perfection of creation. Every element has a purpose and a mission; all the elements work with each other, so the miracle of life keeps happening. What a great lesson for humans to reflect on. We are part of that creation and our lives have a purpose and a mission as well.
This moment today has a special power over me. The isolation period was a big test of my inner strength and my inner peace. I thought my life was in perfect balance before COVID-19. I realized that it was more challenging to keep my life in balance when what I was experiencing was far from what I considered normal. There were days when the simple act of waking up and moving through the day became very difficult. It was hard to stay motivated and keep practicing yoga, meditating and even praying. However, I still showed up because I knew those were my weapons to regain my center. I was able to learn some new lessons and embrace new perspectives in my life. Today I am reviewing those lessons as I sit in front of the sea and I let the water, the sun and the sand cleanse my soul so this new life vision becomes reality.
Today I am back in my happy and zen place, as I connect to the Universe. While I sit on the sand, and looking at the endless ocean, I feel a strong connection with the Earth and with the Divine. I say a prayer of gratitude for the good and bad times and my soul and my spirit are free.