I Am Enough

Many of us have a sense of value, self-worth and self-esteem that depends on external sources. We determine our value based on a predetermined ideal of success, on the approval of others and by listening to the stories we have in our heads. We assess our self-worth from a perspective of lack; we are not valuable because we have not accomplished certain things.

It has taken me a lifetime to understand that my sense of value is not dependent on others but on myself. Throughout my life, I always received a message that I was not good enough, or humble enough or obedient enough. My sense of value has been attached to a constant comparison to others and how I should be more like them. My self-esteem was crushed by shame and guilt while I was growing up. Naturally, a lifetime of associating myself with this idea of my value made a dent in my life.

I grew up to be a rebellious and defiant person for reasons I could not understand. I felt the need to constantly defend myself. It was a real struggle to be authentic and to find my purpose. I lived with an overwhelming feeling that I was not enough.

As part of my recovery process from addiction, I started to connect with that shy and ashamed little girl. I was able to see why I allowed abusive relationships. I was exposed to the biggest project of my life: LOVE MYSELF. I finally was able to understand that my value comes from within. I needed to get to that place within me where there was no judgement, guilt or shame. I really needed spiritual connection.

Through the practice of yoga and the values it encompasses, I started to learn to flow to that place of awareness inside me. I started to practice meditation on a daily basis. I started to open my heart and allowed myself to feel again. I have been able to access my real value. I have been able to understand I am enough just the way I am.

We all are enough. We have everything we need in us because we are perfect creations. The more we connect with the Source (in my case, my Source is God), the more we can experience blissful joy and peace exactly where we are.

We all are a constant work in progress. The more time we devote to create the best possible version of ourselves, the more value we will keep finding in our lives. Our life value is not attached to the ego, or the material things we possess, or the expectations others have of us, or the things we lack. Our real sense of value is in us already, waiting for us to take a hold of it. We have everything it takes. Let this mantra sink in deeply.

I Am Enough.

We Are All Enough


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And Then I Traveled


Cleansing My Soul