Just Breathe
Most of us live complicated lives. We go from one minute to the other, from one day to the next and from one year to the following in a hurry without remembering how we got to where we are. We are so distracted with our careers, our social lives and the demands of society that we do not realize how life is passing in front of us but it is not happening to us.
We have a powerful resource to reduce the speed of our lives and bring intention and meaning to it. It is our breath. Whenever we catch ourselves feeling anxious or in a hurry, we can stop and take a deep breath. We need to always remember to breathe. We inhale and exhale slowly while we connect to the moment we are living. With each inhale and exhale, we relax and open our eyes with wonder and curiosity to the beautiful world that surrounds us and we seem to miss in our hurry. With each inhale and exhale, we get filled with energy and purpose to realize that this moment is the most important time of our lives.
What a wonderful gift we are given. We can start to bring beauty, calm, intention and happiness to our lives if we purposefully take the time to breathe and center into the present. We will start to notice our surroundings and the people around us. We can experience a renewed sense of awareness that will bring peace to us. We can start controlling our thoughts because the only time that matters is the now. We can set a time apart everyday to practice conscious breathing and connect to the state of joy that is awaiting within us. We use our breath to discover the abundant source of happiness that resides in us. We use the power of breath to reach our true nature. Breath is our super power.