One Hand to Receive… One Hand to Give

We all talk about the circle of life. From birth to death the circle never ends. The way I look at it, the circle of life is one of receiving and giving. The energy that flows through receiving and giving back to others is what I understand as abundance. As long as we receive and give, the energy is never lost or extinguished.

The dictionary defines abundance as an ample quantity or as affluence. When we think about abundance, we usually focus on material things or possessions. We sometimes fail to understand that abundance can include the spiritual, moral or human realm.

A good exercise in abundance is to stop for a moment in a resting pose and focus on the present moment. Think about anything you can be grateful for such as health, family, friends or to be alive. Do not give space in your mind to what you understand as lacking in your life. Concentrate on those things you take for granted and include those that may even be insignificant in your life. Before you know it, you will realize all the abundance you have in your life.

We all have abundance in our lives one way or the other. We are just too distracted to get in touch with all our blessings and what is offered and given to us. Most importantly, we tend to forget that many of these things are given to us without us even asking for it. We also may have some resistance to pass on to others what has been given to us.

We can consider perhaps to start living with an attitude of “open arms.” On one side, we extend our hand to receive, while the other hand is on our heart to treasure what we are receiving. We can open our hearts to receive the gifts that are offered to us with humility and without effort. We accept every single gift that comes our way and treasure it. We can then extend out the hand on our heart to give back to others generously. We keep the gifts flowing in a constant circle of love and abundance. Your gifts to others can be as simple as time, a smile, a hug, uplifting words, ears to listen or giving a helping hand. The feeling of joy that comes from receiving and giving is the real manifestation of an abundant life.

Today, let’s open our hands to receive and to give. Let’s keep the energy of abundance moving in our lives and into the world.


Your Legacy Keeps Living


Now, let’s do Yoga