Twelve Years and Counting
The 5 de mayo celebration in Mexico has also taken on a great notoriety in United Stated. It has become a drinking day for most and a good excuse to drink tequila. For me, however, 5 de mayo has another meaning. Twelve years ago on a 5 de mayo, I voluntarily entered a drug detox facility and started my journey of drug rehabilitation.
My recovery started the moment I realized that I had a drug problem that was bigger than my desire to live and I was powerless over it. There were multiple instances where I tried to stop using but I could never follow through. The suffering and the hurt was monumental and with time I needed bigger amounts of drugs to sooth my inner void. After several scares of a possible overdose as an outcome, I completely surrendered and started to seek help.
At the beginning, I renewed my purpose of living one day at a time and not use drugs or drink for 24 hours. I embraced the 12 Step program and as I worked the steps, my life started to move in a different direction. I started to experience renewed family relationships, better job opportunities, an improved self image and a new circle of friends.
Each year on 5 de mayo, I celebrate my victory over addiction. I revisit the amazing opportunities and the freedom I am now able to enjoy. I celebrate my second chance in life with a grateful heart. I am overjoyed because I learned that I have choices and I am proud of the decisions and the life I have built for myself.
I am committed to spread the message of hope for those who are still struggling with addiction. Addiction can manifest in many forms such as alcohol, drugs, food, sex or shopping, among others. The road of addiction is always paved with hurt and destruction. Recovery, on the other hand, is real and is possible if we really want it in our lives. It can be done with faith, love, perseverance and large amounts of discipline. In recovery, we get our lives back full of freedom and happiness. The choice of recovery is up to you but you must take the first step. I made my choice 12 years ago and I do not want to ever look back. Today I celebrate my freedom with a gratitude and joy.