Connecting With The World
We are social creatures who flourish in community. Along the way, we create connections that help us remember we are not alone. However the first and most important connection we must make is with ourselves.
We project what we carry within us. When we take time to go within ourselves and nourish our “self" with the care and love that we need to keep going, we become aware of our blessings and experience an overflowing energy that translates into happiness. Self care and self awareness can be practiced with simple actions like taking time to meditate, to workout or do yoga, to read a good book, to practice a hobby or to pursue a new inspiration. These actions or activities translate into a feeling of well being and contentment that reflects in everything we do.
When we embrace life with joy, it goes out into the world and in every connection we make. We start to build a community with our family, with our friends and with the people that we encounter along the way, with a deeper sense of compassion. We can connect in so many ways: a simple hello, a genuine smile or a random act of kindness.
Nowadays technology has transformed the way people communicate and connect. With the evolution of computers, smart phones and social media we have new ways to connect with each other. We need to become aware that technology is as good as the way we interact with it. When the use of technology becomes a substitute for real human interactions, it’s time to reflect and consider making some changes. Perhaps we stop looking our phones screens as we walk down the street and start being curious of our surroundings and look at people and smile. We substitute a text message with a call because our voices are powerful and bring joy to others. We start a conversation or acknowledge a perfect stranger with a smile and at that moment this gesture could mean the world to them. We enrich our lives by connecting with the diversity of the world if we open ourselves to that possibility.
Our inner connection and that feeling of contagious joy can be spread into the world with love and compassion if we become available and become aware of our surroundings. Real human connections are the basis of a community where we all can share our happiness, our difficulties, experiences and differences. Our community is the strongest reminder that we are not alone.
What can we do TODAY to start creating connections?