Go to Bed With a Plan… Wake Up With a Purpose
During the first days of my recovery from addiction, life was very confusing. It was clear in my mind that I wanted to be free of addiction and the suffering that comes with it but I was scared because I simply did not know how to do it. All I knew was that I needed to break free from the drug habit and the chaotic life I was living.
In AA I was introduced to the 12-Step Program as the road map I needed to follow in order to get sober and change my life. I was told the 12-Step program was simple: in order to do the step work, I needed to renew my resolution to stay sober every 24 hours. “One day at a time” became the motto of my life.
After several weeks in the program, I realized that in order to stay sober one day at a time I needed to add structure and discipline to my life. Soon I learned I needed a daily plan for the next 24 hours. I needed to know what I was going to do the following day before going to bed. I didn’t have a name for this type of planning, but in my heart I knew that this was an antidote to avoid relapsing to my prior messy life.
Many years after my initial recovery, I randomly met an old gentleman who owned a small antique watch business. He shared with me that watches were his passion and that he started the business to stay active after retirement. He explained that the business allowed him to go to bed with a plan and wake up with a purpose. These words resonated with me because, without realizing it, that is what I was doing during my recovery and for so many years after up to this very day.
Just this weekend, I attended an event away from home. I made a point to share with people who are not particularly close to me. I was enormously blessed by sharing with an acquaintance who, without knowing it, made a profound impact on my weekend. Three years ago, at the age of 52, he suffered a stroke. This man was the image of perfect health, active in sports, outgoing, funny and full of life. The health professionals were all puzzled about the cause of his stroke. He survived but was left with major damage to the left part of his body. He was sharing that three years after his stroke he has accomplished so much. He has improved his strength and mobility remarkably on his left side. The stroke definitely affected his body but it did not break his spirit. Surely enough he went on to explain to me how he always went to bed with a goal or a plan for the next day and woke up every morning with a purpose to do better and keep gaining mobility.
This story more than humbled and inspired me. It made me realize that life can be fragile and uncertain and we take it for granted. It also convinced me that the whole idea of renewing our plan and purpose every day is not something that can benefit us only in situations of crisis. This is something that we all can introduce in our lives to create awareness and gratitude for our blessings and to get direction. This is a concept that will remind us every day that the real purpose that all human beings should strive for is to live in peace and be happy one day at a time. It can be done but we really have to work for it.